Tiana Ivanovska is a licenced psychologist and European Acredited Gestalt Psychoterapist, Founder of SebeSlozuvalka, private practice based in Skopje, North Macedonia.
She graduated on the Institute for psychology, Faculty of Philosophy (University Ss. Cyril and Methodius – Skopje). She successfully completed Master of Science degree (Msc.) in Human Resouces Management and Organizational Science on Faculty of Economics (University Ss. Cyril and Methodius – Skopje).
She is currently Phd. Candidate on the Faculty of Criminology, University “St.Kliment Ohridski”-Bitola. She is also active in social work and work with marginalized groups, mainly working with women victims of domestic abuse. Her main focus is working with traumatic and post traumatic conditions supporting people in overcoming trauma on both bihavioral and emotional level. Her research interest is mainly focused on domestic violence, the long term effect of violence of human mental health and all the forms of abusive behavior such as bulling, mobbing, discrimination etc. Her special subject of interest is forensic psychology, psychological profiling, clinical psychopatology etc.
panel discussion
Show me Your Meme – Memification of Social Discourse – Rules of Freedom in the Media