20th International Conference “e-Society.mk” 2024: Digital Transformation for Life

19th International Conference “e-Society.mk” 2023: Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights – Finding the Right Balance between Innovation and Responsibility
The conference will explore the artificial intelligence (AI) which opens unprecedented opportunities for innovation in various sectors while at the same time opening different questions on the protection of basic human rights. Achieving the right balance between innovation and accountability is essential to ensuring a digital landscape that includes addressing issues such as privacy, bias, discrimination and the ethical use of AI to protect human rights.

18th International Conference “e-Society.mk” 2022: Cyber Resilience for Freedom and Security
The conference will explore privacy and security in the digital age, as well as different aspects of fostering and nurturing a cyber-resilient society.

17th International Conference “e-Society.mk” 2021: Digitalization should be the goal of our society
The International Conference e-Society.mk which is being held for the 17th time and addresses the topic “Democracy in the digital age: challenges and opportunities”

16th International Conference “e-Society.mk” 2020: Engagement and Effectiveness – Good Governance and the Internet
The 16th edition of the e-Society.mk conference on the topic Engagement and Effectiveness: Good Governance and the Internet took place between 25-26 November in 2020.

15th International Conference “e-Society.mk” 2019: Open Institutions and Accountability
The Conference is the final event of the 4 year project ACTION SEE (Accountability, Technology and Institutional Openness Network in the South East Europe region) where 7 organizations from the Western Balkans and UK conjoined their efforts in promoting and ensuring government accountability and transparency in the region of South-East Europe.

14th International Conference “e-Society.mk” 2018: Media literate citizens for accountable institutions
For the fourteenth time in a row, Metamorphosis Foundation for Internet and Society is organizing the international conference e-Society.mk. The conference took place on 11 December 2018 at Holiday Inn hotel in Skopje, and addressed the topic of “Media literate citizens for accountable institutions”.

13th International Conference “e-Society.mk” 2017: Freedom and privacy
The 13th International conference e-Society.mk was organized by Metamorphosis Foundation for Internet and Society, in synergy with Internet Freedom in Eastern Europe and Eurasia project of the American Bar Association (ABA ROLI), Media Reform Observatory project (mediaobservatorium.mk), supported by Foundation Open Society – Macedonia and Accountability, Technology and Institutional Openness Network in SEE project (ACTION SEE – actionsee.org), supported by the European Union.

12th international conference “e-Society.mk” 2017: Fact-Checking and Influence of New Technologies on Journalism
The International e-Society.Mk conference “Fact-Checking and Influence of New Technologies on Journalism” organized by the Metamorphosis Foundation within the framework of USAID-supported Media Fact-Checking Service project, took place on January 31, 2017 at the “Holiday Inn” hotel in Skopje.

11th International Conference “e-Society.mk” 2015: Freedom and Privacy on the Internet
The International e-Society.Mk conference “Freedom and Privacy on the Internet” organized by the Metamorphosis Foundation and the International Institute for Human Rights and Peace from Caen took place on December 10, 2015 at the “Holiday Inn” hotel in Skopje. It was the 11th consecutive e-Society conference, on the topic of "Freedom and Privacy on the Internet".

10th International Conference “e-Society.mk” 2014: Human Rights on the Internet – Freedom of Expression, Hate Speech and Privacy in the Digital World
The 10th International Conference “e-Society.Mk” took place on December 11, 2014, at the City Hall Center in Skopje. The theme of the conference was “Human Rights on the Internet – Freedom of Expression, Hate Speech and Privacy in the Digital World.”

9th International Conference “e-Society.mk” 2014: Youth and Media
The ninth international “e-Society” conference “Youth and Media” took place in the Youth Cultural Center in Skopje on February 7 and 8, 2014.